會員申請表Membership Application Form

請填寫身份証/出世紙號碼英文字母及首4位數字Please enter the prefix and first 4 digits in ID Card
**本中心將透過手機向你發佈資訊,如不同意接收, 請在方格加上✔號: Our center will release information to you via mobile phone. If you do not agree to receive it, please add a sign in the box:
If applicant is under 18,please fill in by the parents
請填寫身份証/出世紙號碼英文字母及首4位數字Please enter the prefix and first 4 digits in ID Card
Privacy Policy
*參加者的個人資料只供本中心活動/服務之用。如有需要,中心有權將這些個人資料交給提供服務的機構。參加者亦可要求查閱及更改其個人資料。 *Applicant’s Information is for programs and services use only. We may share the information that you provided with other affiliates. You may access and amend the information if needed

備註 Remark:

如需要領取實體會員證,請帶備學生近照一張,於辦公時間親臨本中心處理。If you want to get a membership card, please bring along a recent photo and go to our centre to process.